
I'm not guiding yet. Why?

I'm not guiding yet. Why?

People all over the world are affected by the COVID-19 crisis, us included. It has been and still are intense time for us and the world. After more then three months the Spanish state of alarm was lifted on June 21 and most of the European borders opened again.

Which ment that I was allowed to guide again. When I look at my Instagram feed, I constantly see happy messages of other guides and bikers in Spain and Europe that they can guide again. Not me I am not ready to guide again. There are a few reasons for that

How green is my bike? Let's do some sustainability research.

How green is my bike? Let's do some sustainability research.

How green is your bike?

For me mountain biking is one of the most fun things to do. It is a way I can enjoy nature, do sports and meet new people along the way. Everything can occur at the same time. With my interest in sustainability I find it hard get my head around doing this sport in a more sustainable way. I am not a fanatic or short sided when it comes to sustainability and I truly believe that more people should bike instead of drive a car. After all we all want to promote biking. Surprisingly I don’t see much brands in the industry taking real action, for example circular business models or doing active recycling programs of taking in old products to up-cycle. Perhaps, I haven't done enough research yet.